Ever wondered: How many fish start with S ? To be honest, no one knows the exact number of fish that start with S as they dwell in all sorts of waters.
However, look at the immense diversity of the organisms living in lakes, streams, and the Sea. There’s just too much variety. So, it’s safe to say that thousands of fish start with the letter S and dwell in the waters of Mother Earth.
We understand your quest for knowledge about the hidden underwater world. Whether you are an experienced aquarist or new to this hobby, today’s article will surely amaze you. So, come along as we discuss the top 10 fish that begin with S
Here is a list of the most popular fish that start with S
- Swordfish
- Shark
- Salmon
- Sardine
- Snapper
- Seahorse
- Sole
- Sturgeon
- Sunfish
- Surgeonfish
For a more in-depth exploration of the fish beginning with S read the article below.
Serpae Tetra
First on our list of fish that start with S, we have the Serpae Terta. This fish is native to the Amazon River basin specifically to the waters of Paraguay and Brazil. The Serpae Tetra is well-known as the blood tetra because of its striking red and black colors. This freshwater fish is just 1.75 inches in size and has a peaceful nature. However, its socializing behavior and captivating looks make it ideal for community tanks.
If you’re planning to add this small fish to your tank, make sure you have at least 6 of them. This fish likes to have some company. Despite Serpae Tetra’s small size, it can be very active. Moreover, maintain a gentle water flow and subdued light in the tank, just like its natural habitat.
Interestingly, Serpae Tetra has a nipping behavior, especially towards fish with long fins. Make sure you choose the tankmates carefully. Always go for tankmates with similar size and peaceful temperament.
Let’s talk about the Serpae Tetra diet and what it eats. This fish is an omnivore and feeds on small insects, crustaceans, and plant matter. So, it isn’t a picky eater. Along with that, this fish is easy to care for, so just maintain a tank with stable water parameters and you’re good to go!
Native to the coastal Indo-Pacific waters, this fish is one of the world’s deadliest fish. If you ever see one, it’s better to stay at a safe distance. This fish is capable of hurting both animals and humans alike. Its attack can lead to painful bruises and fatal wounds.
The stonefish is quite a large fish, boasting a size of 13 inches. The most interesting thing about this fish is its camouflage. The Stonefish or scorpion fish has a skin that looks like rocks, which makes it extremely hard to spot. Due to this ability and quick attacks, it’s pretty easy for this fish to hunt prey and escape predators.
Moreover, this fish that starts with S, has toxic spines that contain large amounts of venom. Anyone stabbed by these poisonous spikes can experience tissue damage, immense pain, or even death. This fish inhabits shallow waters and rocky corals. So, if you visit any Australian coral reef, look out for this spikey fellow.
Siamese Fighting Fish
The Siamese fighting fish is native to Asia’s freshwaters. Hailing from Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, this fish has a significant cultural importance. This fish boasts colorful fins and mesmerizing bodies that add value and a splash of color to any aquarium.
The stunning betta fish takes center stage in the aquarium, but it’s not just about them. It is well known that the males of this species are very territorial and hostile against other fish. When they sense a threat, even from their own species, they flare their fins and act aggressively.
The Siamese fighting fish or Betta fish is carnivorous as most of its diet consists of meaty foods. Generally, these foods are tiny fish, bloodworms, shrimp, and high-protein insects. The Betta occasionally eats vegetables but it isn’t a big part of its diet.
Since betta fish prefer to live alone, we advise against keeping them in the same tank as other fish. If you do plan to have tankmates, they should swim in different levels to reduce the chances of a conflict. Your betta may suffer injury if other fish nibbles at its delicate fins and tail or fight with it. It should have a long tank with a lot of horizontal swimming space.
The swordfish comes from the tropical seas of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. It has a long, sword-like body and sharp, flat bill which makes it as dangerous as it looks. This marine monster has a length of 12 feet and a massive weight of 1000 pounds.
Interestingly, the swordfish has a torpedo-shaped body with no scales. Due to this adaptation, the swordfish can swim up to 60 mph, making it the world’s third fastest fish. This fish is truly a stand-alone in our list of fish that start with S.
The fish isn’t just for show; it is a swordsman! The swordfish uses its pointy bill to stun and hurt the prey while hunting. Along with that, it can also maintain its body temperature in deep and cold waters. This makes them somewhat warm-blooded. This ability to maintain body temperature allows them to dive around 7000 feet deep!
Swordfish may be found in tropical and temperate regions as they like to migrate a lot. The swordfish is a solitary fish and usually stays conserved. When it is between four and five years old, it is observed mingling with other swordfish. Unfortunately, overfishing and trophy hunting are posing threats to this marine gem.
The Snapper isn’t just a fish. It’s a whole category of fish belonging to the family Lutjanidae. The snappers are very popular in the fish market for both looks and taste. These fish have vibrant colors and great taste.
Snappers are native to tropical and subtropical waters around the world. Mostly they inhabit coral reefs, rocky bottoms, and mangrove forests.
Moreover, the snappers can change color based on their surroundings and mood. Using this ability, they can camouflage and ambush prey effectively. Additionally, some species of snapper can live as long as a Dracula! For example, the red snapper has a lifespan of several decades. It can even reach big sizes weighing up to 20 pounds.
Talking about the diet, the snappers are carnivorous. They don’t eat any plants or vegetables. Due to their predatory nature, they hunt and prey on smaller fish, crustaceans, and mollusks.
Although many of these fishes taste great, they are at risk due to overfishing and habitat loss.
Silver Gourami
The Silver Gourami hails from the freshwaters of Southeast Asia. This fish has an elongated body with a silvery grey color that makes it stand out.
Interestingly, this fish has a labyrinth organ. This specialized organ allows the gourami to breathe air straight from the surface. Due to this ability, the Silver Gourami can be managed in waters with low oxygen levels. Moreover, the Gouramis can thrive in a range of environments, so they are hardy adaptive fish.
In addition, Silver Gourami is a compatible tankmate for most fish as it has a peaceful nature. So, if you’re looking for a tankmate for your fish, this might be the ideal one.
In terms of diet, Silver Gourami is an omnivore and will eat a variety of diets. This fish doesn’t really need a lot of care either. So, if you’re looking for a non-picky eater with no tantrums then you’ve found your dream girl! I mean fish.
Serrated Piranha
The Serrated Piranha calls the Amazon basin its home. This fish mostly inhabits the rivers of Brazil and surrounding areas. These piranhas can grow up to 12 inches and weigh almost 2 pounds. This size makes them one of the larger piranhas.
What sets them apart from other piranhas? The serrated piranhas have a set of razor-sharp teeth in a specific saw-like arrangement. In the deadly waters of the Amazon, these teeth allow the serrated pirana to hunt and tear its prey apart.
Serrated Piranhas hunt small fish and crustaceans. These opportunistic hunters even attack small mammals or birds that get too close to the water. The piranhas don’t attack humans. Moreover, they scavenge the substrate for food. Although an attack from the piranhas is not shocking if provoked. In rare cases, they might attack humans when extremely hungry or stressed out.
These piranhas are deadly and intelligent. In the dense Amazon environment, these fish thrive in packs and groups. This social behavior protects them from predators. However, they can attack larger prey when they are in a group.
Shovelnose Catfish
The Shovelnose Catfish is a fascinating freshwater fish found in Southern America. Mostly this fish inhabits slow-moving waters of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. As the name suggests, this fish has a shovel-like snout. Due to this adaptation, this fish is easily recognized among other catfish.
Shovelnose Catfish is primarily carnivorous and feeds on smaller fish, crustaceans, and insects. Thriving in such densely populated water, they have adapted to the survival requirements. The Shovelnose Catfish has sharp eyesight and a highly sensitive lateral line system. Both these adaptations allow it to detect even the smallest movement in the water. In addition, this fish contributes to maintaining the ecological balance of these environments. Due to its hunting nature, it effectively controls the population of small crustaceans.
Moreover, this remarkable fish can have huge bodies. In some cases, it can even grow as large as six feet in length. Its size coupled with its appearance makes it a truly wild marvel. However, many aquarists still take the challenge of domesticating this humongous fish. In some cases, the huge size can also be a drawback, as it makes them quite visible to hunters. This fish also has a huge food market demand because of its taste.
Salmon fish belong to the family Salmonidae. This fish is well known for its taste, and I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of it. Other than taste, this fish is renowned for its remarkable migration habit. Astonishingly, this fish is born in freshwater and then migrates to the sea to mature. After maturing this fish comes back to its natural habitat in the freshwater.
Moreover, this fish has an interesting life cycle with multiple stages. Some of them are egg, alevin, fry, parr, smolt, adult, and spawner. Although this lifecycle isn’t just interesting, it’s a necessity for proper development.
The salmon fish contributes to maintaining the sea and freshwater equilibrium. They are primary carriers responsible for transporting nutrients from sea to freshwater habitats.
All in all, salmon are not just some amazing creatures. This fish has a high demand in the seafood market. The salmon flesh is packed with nutrients that are essential for humans. It provides fatty acids, protein, and a lot of vitamin D. Whether grilled, baked, or smoked, salmon is full of nutrition and taste.
Sea Catfish
Last on our list of fish that start with S is the Sea Catfish. It calls the whole world its home. Interestingly, this fish doesn’t belong to a specific region. Rather it is found in oceans worldwide. This fish is also called marine catfish. It belongs to the family Ariidae.
The Sea Catfish has special barbel that resemble long whiskers. These whiskers are not just for show but they act as sensory organs. These whiskers help the fish navigate and scavenge the substrate for food in low light.
The sea catfish can breathe air directly from the water’s surface. This fish starting with S, has a modified swim bladder that acts as a lung. This adaptation allows them to survive in oxygen-deprived waters. Moreover, they can also survive in brackish water and even venture on the land for short periods.
Lastly, Sea catfish are nocturnal feeders meaning they feed at night and rest in the day. In addition, they have a diet consisting of small fish, crustaceans, and organic debris. Despite their appearance, sea catfish are not aggressive.
More Fish Starting With S
- Sardine
- Shark
- Sole
- Sturgeon
- Sculpin
- Sablefish
- Sunfish
- Skate
- Surgeonfish
- Sea Bass
- Sucker
- Sheepshead
- Shad
- Saury
- Smelt
- Searobin
- Sanddab
- Silverside
- Sargo
- Sausage-fish
- Sawfish
- Spadefish
Fish starting with S to eat ?
Salmon and Sardine are the most popular seafood starting with S and both are very nutritious. They can be served in many ways. You can grill, bake, or simply cook these fish.
Freshwater fish starting with S ?
Smelt is a small silvery fish favorite of many seafood lovers. This fish can be served as fried or grilled.
4 letter fish names starting with S ?
Shad is a seafood delicacy. Shad migrates from freshwater to saltwater to spawn, just like salmons.
Fish starting with S for aquarium ?
Some popular fish with S that are suitable for an aquarium include the Swordtail, known for its distinctive sword-like tail fin, and the Sailfin Molly, prized for its attractive sail-like dorsal fin
In today’s article, we covered the top 10 fish that start with S along with their unique characteristics. Undoubtedly, each of these fish is truly one-of-a-kind! In essence, we have explored the fish that start with the letter S however, this is just the beginning. If we do justice, it is safe to say that this article merely provides a glimpse into the world of the fish starting with S.
There’s still so much to uncover! So come along as we discover the hidden world of aquatic life, keep up with our articles and let us know what you think about them, in the comments below!
Lastly, let me ask: Have you ever heard of any other kinds of fish that start with S! Feel free to leave a remark with your ideas!